Saturday, October 22, 2011

Rugby Fever

I think I can say I'm not a rugby fan. In fact I'm not interested in sport at all. When I heard about the Rugby World Cup being in NZ I thought it was a big yawn! Every night on tv it would be advertising excitedly "Only XX days to the world cup" and my response was (as my daughter says dismissively) "caring..."

So it started, and we discovered my little granddaughters were very keen on the World Cup even though their parents weren't. For some reason the youngest of the two was supporting Wales (I think she liked the flag) and her sister was keen on the All Blacks. So, we bought flags to put on our car, we helped them to make bright and colourful posters. I even watched 3 complete games!!! Tonight is the final and the ABs just HAVE to win it. I'm even quite tense about it. Has it's changed my attitude to sport forever? Probably not. Tomorrow will tell.

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