Saturday, November 27, 2010

Hurrah for Holidays!

Our son rang up. "About you coming up for a visit..."he began. I felt guilty. He and his wife had built a lovely holiday home in a beautiful spot not far from Auckland, and he'd often urged us to go up and stay in it for a week or so. I wanted to. Alex wanted to. But somehow we never got round to deciding on a date. "I've booked you in for November 28" he continued "and the flight up is our birthday present to you both."

He's a good man our son. Takes after his Dad. And we're off tomorrow. Yipee!!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Birthdays 2

It was my birthday last week. Fabulous day; warm, sunny and still. Went out for lunch with my favourite man who had bought me a gorgeous black handbag, and had made me a icon of St Joseph. I had phone calls from all my sisters and cards from lots of my friends. On Sunday my First Born put on a Birthday Party with ante-pasta and pavlova. And all my children and my little grandchildren gave me presents. Even my ONLY grandson rang me up to wish me a happy birthday.

Was I blessed or what? Thank you Lord.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010 girls

Our two youngest granddaughters, Lizzie 7 and Em 8, are a fount of delight to Alex and me. Their conversation yesterday seemed to be focussed on boys (as they are the youngest by far in their family and the only ones still at home, boys are to a source of unknown fascination to them.)

Lizzy: You know Grandma, boys NEVER cry. It's not fair!

Em: I'd like to be a boy. Sometimes I think I AM a boy.

Lizzy: I wish I could break my leg then boy couldn't chase me.

Em: AND you could go into hospital and have jelly and icecream!

Monday, November 15, 2010


On Tuesdays and Wednesdays I don't go to Mass. Instead I stay at home, and apart from a 30 mins walk I try not to go anywhere. I don't know why I make this rule for myself I just know I NEED to stay at home. I don't necessarily use the time to catch up on housework - though I may do some. I don't plan anything in particular, I just want to stay at home. If I keep these 2 days peacefully at home, chatting with my husband, perhaps gardening, certainly pottering, I know I'm a happier, more relaxed person for the rest of the week. "We are curiously and wonderfully made". Amen

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Birthday thoughts

My Husband is 73 today. Incredible that the wild boy I met when he was 18, skinny as a rake and with a shock of black hair has turned into a stout, conservative elderly man with white receding hair. I read recently "Inside every old person is a young person saying 'What happened?'" I think that's true of both of us! But he's still the same man I married - but matured, Praise God.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Why I love my Husband 3

Yesterday our huge lazy black cat, Sam, lay as usual on "his" couch with his head on "his" cushion and only one lazy green eye half open. My husband glanced at him and said "Get up and do something useful, you killing machine!"

Why do I love my husband? Because he makes me laugh!