Wednesday, September 8, 2010


ON Tuesday Pha-Raine and I had our first  'get together' (we haven't got a name for it yet).  We prayed the rosary, then we read from the beginning of the Cathechism and talked about what it meant.  After that we read and discussed a passage from the Bible: Romans 12 because it is my favourite chapter in the Bible.  We ended by praying together over the needs we have, and those of people we know and love. Of course the poor people in Christchurch, suffering so much from the effects of the earthquakes, were very high on our list. Then we had a lovely time chatting and sharing together .(fellowshipping we would have called it in the AOG church I used to attend.).  It was a very blessed experience and we intend to open it up to others when we have got it  properly organised and settled.  I loved it!