Friday, August 3, 2012

Learning a new habit.

I have set myself a challenge to learn a new habit. I'm ashamed that I don't do already do this, but the truth is, I don't, and it's pretty hard to learn a new habit at my age. What I'm challenging myself to do is to say a Grace before Meals at EVERY meal. There I've admitted it! Alex and I usually pray together before our evening meal, but we take our other meals casually and often at separate times and I always forget to thank God for them. So, for the past 2 weeks I've been really hard to remember, and even leave myself little reminders on the dining table but I still often forget. I DO improve a little when I ask my guardian angel to remind me in my morning prayers, but I often even forget to ask him! But I keep trying and thank God when I do remember. One day soon, with God's and my guardian angel's help, it will become a true (and blessed) habit!


  1. I started to say Grace before all meals a while back. It becomes second nature after a while. My dad says a thank you grace after meals as well! Today, I was eating out at lunch time and blessed myself non-the-less. I didn't want to be 'showy' but it's what I do at home, so I thought why not.

    By the way, I prayed for your priest last week. I hope he is doing OK.

    God bless.

  2. Thank you so much Shadowland for praying for Fr Tom, I think he's depending on our prayers and Fr Reay. He's such an amazing but humble priest. I'm hoping the saying the Grace before meals will be second nature to me too soon. But it IS taking longer than I expected!
