Saturday, July 28, 2012

Prayers Please

I recently had some very bad news. Our beloved Latin Mass priest, Fr Tom, has been having quite a struggle with reading the variable parts of the Latin Mass and even at the daily English Mass he had some difficuly reading the prayers. I wondered why he didn't get his glasses checked out but this week I was told that he has a incurable, degenerative eye disease. He's going to see Fr John Reay. a NZ priest with a healing Ministry, and ask him for prayer and we're ALL praying. He is he such a dedicated, blessed and loving priest and lives to say Mass. "Healer of the blind man, please heal Fr Tom, your priest." Please pray for him.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Celebrating Sundays

I love Sundays. I definitely see it as a day of celebration and rest. I spend most of Saturday preparing for Sunday so that I can have a complete rest (Thank you Lord for giving us a day of rest. Please help us rest!) When our children were young it was hard to have a day of rest, but we tried. My husband who comes from a more Protestant background has never quite grasped the Catholic Sunday. We go to Mass first and on the way home I may suggest having an icecream together (the only day I allow myself icecream) and he asks "Do you think we should eat icecream on a Sunday?" or I may suggest watching a favourite dvd and get the same response. I reply cheerfully "Away with your Puritan notions. We Catholics celebrate the Resurrection on Sundays. It is a day of rest and rejoicing!" Another taste of heaven perhaps?

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Religion as a hobby

My old friend Rita was talking to her neighbour. Rita, a staunch Catholic, mentioned that she had just come back from Church. "Oh" said her neighbour "I think religion is such a great hobby for older people. I might take it up myself when I retire." For once in her life Rita was lost for words.

My Lord and my God.

It sometimes hits you doesn't it? Sometimes you realise, quite suddenly, that something about our Faith which we accept faithfully but peacefully is actually amazing, awe-inspiring and almost terrifying. This evening I was at an English Mass and everything was calm and quiet, it was just before Communion. Father held up the consecrated host and suddenly the reality of what was happening shook me. This was Jesus, the Son of God, our beloved Saviour, and soon I would hold Him in my workaday hands that do so many messy, dirty jobs. I would hold HIM. What could I do but kneel before Him and say, with utter humility, love and awe, "My Lord and my God."

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Today was such a lovely day - in the middle of winter too - that I ventured out to do a little gardening. Now, I am not a gardener, I have a husband and 3 sisters who ARE and I know what a good gardener is and I'm not one of them. But I do go out occasionally, when the weather is not too cold or hot or windy or wet and pull up a few weeds. I couldn't help wondering today as I carried a pile of them to the bin why God created weeds...and snails!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Love for the Latin Mass

I sometimes wonder about the effect the Latin Mass has on me. When I come home after one I feel totally at peace, joyous and fulfilled, not just in my spirit but, in some inexplicable way, in every part of me. It's an amazing experience to feel that way and quite unexpected. Of course I love any Mass but why does the Latin Mass nourish me so much? I don't think it's the Latin, though that may be part of it, but the prayers themselves are so different from our modern prayers. They emphasise the greatness and glory of God, and the incredible holiness of what is happening on the altar. Combined with the silently worshipping congregation,the priest facing towards God instead of us, the whole atmosphere is one of awe and reverence. In that atmosphere I feel at home and at peace. Then of course we have a humble, gentle priestly priest who truly loves us. He preaches strong, hard hitting sermons instead of the feel-good sermons we get from other priests. After Mass we stand outside catching up with each other's news and Father moves among us, chatting, praying with those who need special prayers, and hearing confessions. And there is the dedicated congregation who are so devout, so friendly and so thankful to have a Latin Mass. One 92 year old drives for 1 1/2 hours to get there with his younger sister who is a mere 89! Many drive similar distances including a family with 6 young children. It's amazing how many children attend with their parents and what a blessing they are. So I thank God with all my heart that we are allowed a Latin Mass. My Latin is not too good but...Deo Gratias.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Friday Fasting.for Priests

I try to make every day of the week spiritually different but Fridays are extra special. My mission at present is prayer and especially to pray for priests. On Fridays I 'fast' for priests. It's not a complete fast, as fasting is not advisable for older people, but I do a kind of semi-fast. I don't eat meat on Fridays, with a nod to tradition, and I don't eat anything sweet (despite my very sweet tooth). I have a normal breakfast and my other two meals are light such as soup, cheese on toast, something like that. I don't have fish on Fridays because fish, for me, is a very expensive treat! Strangely enough, although I find the semi-fast a bit of a struggle - especially the lack of sugar - I love Fridays and I love fasting for priests. They need our prayers and sacrifices particularly at the moment as they are so much under attack. and here in New Zealand they are getting fewer and fewer. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, grant your Church many and holy priests. Mary, Mother of us all, Pray for Priests.

Sunday, July 8, 2012


Our Latin Mass priest, our beloved Father T., announced that he would hear confessions AFTER Mass instead of before as he did last month. I was rather disappointed as I loved going to Confession then straight into Mass but Father explained to me that after Mass he can devote more time to each person. He did too, most of us were with him for ten minutes or so. When it was my turn, he read a very relevant passage from the Bible on how to handle the sins I had confessed, and we had a chat on how to avoid them in the furure. Very nourishing! As we were waiting our turn to go in, my friend told me that at her regular church they allow 3 minutes per confession!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

It is the Lord!

I have been reading a wonderful book called "Dominus Est - It is the Lord" by The Most Reverend Schneider. It is a short book about Holy Communion and how we should receive Our Blessed Lord "cum amore ac timore" (with love and fear) and the reverence and love we should feel at the Presence of Him in the tabernacle in our Churches. I love this prayer he quotes: There, where my dear Jesus dwells where He is enthroned in the tabernacle, There, I wish to be kneeling continually. There, I wish to pray unceasingly. Jesus I love You deeply. Hidden Love I adore You. Abandoned Love, I adore You. Despised Love, I adore You . Love trampled underfoot, I adore You, Infinite Love, dying on the Cross for us, I adore you. My dear Lord and Saviour, make it be that I am all love and expiation towards the Most Blessed Sacrament in the heart of your loving Mother Mary. Amen

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


The birthday party for my daughter and granddaughter was a delight. My daughter and her neice whose birthdays are 2 days apart, but whose ages are 32 years apart, have so much in common and both of them are special blessings from God. My daugher was a huge surprise to me, as my other children were in their teens. To be pregnant at 35 was hard to cope with at first, but I loved having another baby in the house . My youngest granddaugher was also a shock to her mother. Her older siblings were in their late teens and my daughter was 44! But what a joy they both are. At the party I was watching them: they are the noisiest and liveliest people in our family (now my older grandchildren are overseas) and such fun. God sometimes gives us wonderful surprises.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Praying in the Morning

Ever since I became a Christian, in my 20s, I have prayed in the morning. I am a morning person and it seemed natural to me to begin my day with prayer. As I drew back the curtains I would say "This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it." It was some years later that I found out it was both a song and a Psalm. Then I would sit and have a short time of prayer - a huge and challenging learning experience for me. But, with God's help I persevered - though the fight to resist disractions seems to be never ending. Later I found this Psalm: Lord, I call to you for help: every morning I pray to you." It seemed to express exactly what I felt. I need to ask for help and to think about and praise God. What better way for me to start the day?